Dearest beloved teacher,
I don't know will u ever read this or not.
But I'd like to tell you whatever I am feeling now.
This post is a reply for your 'last letter' to us.
You are a teacher that I've known for 4years teaching my class mandarin.
I've just realize how fast time flows.Today have been the last day of your class.
Beeing a patience teacher is not a very easy one to be I guess.
But you've showed it to us.I've just realized how much you've tolerate us within these years.
You showed your unlimited patience to face us.
You teach us everything.
You watch us grow.You've been some part of our life..In time of joy and sadness.
You were always there...
And in the future I guess we will always remember those time.
I never know you consider our class as the special one in your heart.
Thank you...
Thank you for beeing a good teacher.
Thank you for beeing a good friend when it's in time.
Thank you for loving our class.
Thank you for teaching us mandarin.
Thank you for showing your patience towards us.
Thank you for teaching us very beautiful songs.
Thank you for your wishes to us.
Thank you...
I'd never ever forget each second .
And sorry....
Sorry for the days when I was not paying attention to your lesson.
Sorry for not doing homework you gave.
Sorry for chit-chatting or busy doing other stuff when you're teaching.
Sorry for doing everything that have made you mad.
I'd like you to know,sir,that I love you..that you are a great teacher..that you've been a special one..that nobody could ever replace you as my mandarin teacher..not now and not in the next future too..and that you've gave us things beyond a teacher should gave to his students..
I wish you'd have a great baby soon..I wish you'd always feel happy and wealthy and healthy..I wish you'd get everything you wish..
Wo men zi yao no ji dao,lao shi,wo men hen ai ni..wo men yi ding juo ge hao ren..wo men yi ding hui ji de ni.Xie xie,lao shi.