still not yet planning which university to go and what major to take.
yosshh!I was totally great!*sigghh*
I can't imagine a picture where my friends are not there around.How will b my life in the near future.what job will I get and what kind ppl will I meet.ousshh...kinda strange.
It feels no good for nowXC
I'll miss these years.
When every morning I don't need to think anything,just knowing I have only one destination to go to:: school ::
Having breakfast that has already been prepared.having enough lunch money.Arrive on time at school and study..and meeting all of my best ppl in life now!
I can't imagine a picture where it doesn't exist anymore in the next 2 years!
2years!khuai dao le :'(
I'll miss the momments at school.late for school*running hosh2 along jl.bintang road*..sleeping in bology lessons*hahaha*.chit-chating nothing important.talking boys..*hahaha*.having exams.studying.scolded by killer-teachers.girls day out.photoshooting.hangouts.yell2 on every P2S1competitions.EVERYTHING!
I wanna b young forever!!!-janet liono-
I could spend my life
in this sweet surrender
in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this momment
Every momment spent with you
is the momment
I treasure
Every momment spent with you
is the momment
I treasure