I had had my first formal debate and I was the FIRST speaker which is later I figured out that debating is so much tougher than I think-we had to make a structure-I did embarrasing!
I really don't try a best.
I was so panick that I can't thought an idea for my 5min speech as the first speaker.I'm so not good at it.
Today is tough...
Yunita and me was in SD,find sth to eat,and my legs was tiok seret on a piece of wood and my skin terkelupas!
Today is tough...
I was scolded for arriving home late.
Today is tough....
I'm home alone on capgomeh.
Angel's side of me:your life is too beautiful to complained!Stop it!
Devil's side of me: Today's tough...
Devil's side of me: Today's tough...