Saturday, February 18, 2012

Shihlin madness

hello again!

tonight I feel like i could drink a whole ton of water! week one homework is abandoned and sister and Istrolling the mall.not so much things to see but a loot to eat!

we have steamboat at thai's bistro, I haven't eat any self-barbecue since highschool and I could eat all of those plates if the pricelist not standing sweetly there. I thought it was Indian cuisine since itwas named 'Raachaa'.

We found a little corner of shop by an old tidy uncle selling mostly books paintings and antique statues.When I said books it really means alooot of books! as if he had once travel round the world and collect them each in various languages and various type of books,histories,fictions to non-fiction.From the era of lady Diana to Barrack Obama.From chinese to idontknow-what-language-is-that..

Entering the store and looking briefly on them feels so drawn old-fashion and.. like I can't imagine how ppl live in those era.stunning.and i spiritually loveit.I wonder if the uncle had read all of those and if he really did,he must be a guru! there's one book I wanna buy for my uncle since he collect paintingbooks and even it's an old book but it's highly price so I guess I must save $$ first lol

wandering takes alot of energy so we went to shihlin and fulfill our appetite.ekeke and then we went mad.