my asdos is selling the tickets in half price plus free meet up with steviewonder.
i want it to be there! or just want to take a photo with stevie lol.never had I watch a live concert and this is a prestigious one I guess to have those world star here.no singapore jazz no malaysian jazz oranyotherasian jazz but java jazz! if I drive and I get time and money,I'll just fasten my seat-belt and run there.but for now just endure and maybe later when bruno or jay get here.teehee
this is me

Good Sunday! I'd finished 80% of the upcoming week hw and the 20% is total hopeless.Lectures are 50times harder than the last semester and I'm hopeless in cost accounting.it's the third week and I still have noo idea,i even submit a total failure
hw..pokerface ._. miracles do come true,yes? lol

i (finally) gain a proper weight,which is my goal
set 2years ago.I love food (or eating?) and meal time had been a simple private pleasure within the pressing schedule at college.
i call it a bless when I have no worry eating as much as I want *w*
eat and live well people!♡